Applying the Principles of Islamic-Iranian Culture in Urban Design Contemporary Iranian(Case Study: Tajrish Square in Tehran)

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Architecture and Urbanism, Islamic Azad University, Central and South Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran


Introduction & Objective: Today, urban spaces have become important elements in determining popular moral norms. One of the most important issues facing the design of urban spaces is the application of the principles of the original Iranian-Islamic culture, which has caused the alienation, anonymity and forgetfulness of God in society. The purpose of this study is to identify and study the cultural principles needed to design and organize Tehran's Tajrish Square.
Method: The research method is exploratory-analytical, which can be achieved by examining the opinions and theories of experts and field perceptions and analyzing them, the required principles and principles.
Results: Based on field perceptions and the study of theories, it was concluded that the space of Tajrish Square in Tehran lacks the identity and principles of Iranian culture and over time due to the two categories of globalization and technology and turning to modern materials and Avoiding the patterns and style of Iranian Islamic architecture and fading the patterns of religious identity, this field has lost its true identity.
Conclusion: As a result, based on the analyzes performed, four issues of customs, moral norms, religion and customs as the main topics whose sub-categories are related to Iranian culture were examined.


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